Salted Caramel Ice Cream Recipe

Made with the Ninja Creami


Vanilla Extract Salt Whole Milk Heavy Cream

Cream Cheese Granulated Sugar Caramel Sauce

STEP 1 Melt caramel sauce in the microwave for 20 seconds

STEP 2 Whisk together sugar, salt, vanilla extract, cream cheese, and caramel in a medium bowl

STEP 3 Combine whole milk and heavy cream into the sugar/cream cheese/extract mixture

STEP 4 Pour the mixture into a Ninja Creami pint, making sure it does not go over the max fill line

STEP 5 Freeze for 24 hours Remove the Ninja Creami pint from freezer and place into the Creami's outer bowl

STEP 6  Spin the pint on Ice Cream  Grab a spoon and enjoy your homemade salted caramel ice cream!

If you're interested in seeing the full recipe for Salted Caramel Ice Cream, click the link below!